Michelle Pye

Michelle Pye is one of only four International FIFA women referees in Canada. Over 11 years she has participated in four World championships and qualifying tournaments for the Olympics and World Cup.

2015 Canadian Soccer

One of the world’s largest and more prestigious sporting events – the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup – once again put British Columbia in the international spotlight. The World Cup will provide a lasting legacy for girls/women and sport in BC. This tournament brought some of the best female athletes in the world to Canada… Read more »

2002 U-19 Soccer Team

As members of the 2002 silver medalist team at the Under-19 FIFA World Cup, Brittany Timko, Christine Sinclair, Katie Thorlakson, Heather Smith and Clare Rustad made history as the first Canadian team to compete in the World Cup finals – a competition which garnered unprecedented attention for women’s soccer in Canada.

Andrea Neil

Andrea Neil’s achievements in women’s Soccer in Canada make her a trailblazer in the sport. Having played for both the Vancouver Whitecaps women’s team and the Canadian Women’s National team, Andrea reached the 100 mark in games played.